Recent data from Companies House confirms that only 28% of businesses survive more than 10 years and only 10% survive more than 20 years.

Do you want to defy this norm of company failure and become a resilient and sustainable business into the long term?

Discover your Future Proof Business Score right now:

It’s FREE and only takes 6 minutes. It is multi-choice so no wrong answers.

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Identify Key Area(s) of Improvement.

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6 Areas of Your Business You Must Future-Proof

Discover where you are right now and how to improve.

Better Decision Making

Accurate and up-to-date financial data is essential to making better decisions. How do you keep the records in your business?

For any ambitious entrepreneur aiming to build a better future, you have to have the best data possible on which to base your decisions.

Safeguarding Your Assets

As a business owner you will have probably built assets and created wealth but how are you protecting these?

Ambitious entrepreneurs are not averse to taking risks but they also want to protect what they have today and in the future.

Cash Resilience

Ambitious entrepreneurs don’t just want to survive an economic downturn.

They want to be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that arise from having a war chest of cash as they continue to build better futures.

Greater Profit

Greater profit typically leads to more success and ultimately more freedom. Ambitious entrepreneurs want to build more than a lifestyle business.

How are you growing your business? Is this growth sustainable?

Passion, Focus And Accountability

Building a better future for you and your family does not happen by accident. What is your vision and what are your goals?

How will you make sure you get there and on time? Who is holding you to account as you follow your journey and what happens if you take a wrong turn?

Legacy And Freedom

Ambitious entrepreneurs want to build a business they can sell or pass on to a successor. To do this they are looking to maximise the value of their business which usually means having a great team around them.

What systems and processes are in place to ensure your business is not solely dependent on you?

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100% free. Takes 6 minutes. See your results instantly on completion.

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